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Gravestones Walk and Talk 2016

OPEN AFTERNOON (with tea and scrummy cakes)
and a (short) GRAVESTONES WALK (and talk) by Nina Morgan

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Nina Morgan, author of The Geology of Oxford Gravestones, and something of an expert on the family life of William Smith (it is she who has transcribed the 52 letters (held at Oxford Nat Hist Museum) between William Smith and his nephew and niece John and Anne Phillips), together with her co-author Philip Powell, gave us a fascinating introduction to the geology of some of our gravestones.   


From Our Guest Book

  • "Great building, well restored. Charming!"

  • "Why haven't we been here earlier? We shall certainly return!"

  • "Fantastic, absolutely first class. Most interesting and informative."

  • "What a lovely treat to stumble upon. Thank you for preserving a part of our Heritage"

  • "A little gem I didn't know existed."

  • "A fascinating visit. William Smith was a wonderful man! "

  • "Such a wonderful enterprise. The locality should be proud of it."

  • "Excellent to have this centre as a focus for Churchill's history - especially in relation to William Smith."

  • "Lovely spot, so grateful this part of the old church was saved."

  • "Congratulations to all on this initiative.  So well-organised and user-friendly."

  • "A fine chance discovery"

  • "Beautiful setting, very peaceful & informative"

  • "Beautiful restoration, very nicely done! Unexpected hive of information."

  • "A fascinating display in a very beautiful setting."

  • "Very good new interactive displays, very comprehensive."